Pro Edition Generic Sensors Configuration

Accessing the Generic Sensors Configuration Screen

Press the touchable hotspot on your layout and then on the Configuration Screen, press the Sensors button.

Once you’ve done so, you’ll be sent to the Generic Sensors screen which shows 10 configurable sensors.

Currently only Megasquirt and MaxxECU is configured for Generic Sensors.  I’m currently updating software for the other ECUs that way these Generic Sensors can be utilized.

Generic Sensors are read from the ECU’s CANBus data stream.  That means your sensors will need to be wired into your current ECU and configured in your ECU to transmit to the NexGenEFI Pro Edition digital dash.

Please read your ECU documentation to see where your Generic Sensors are configured and how to broadcast them in the CANBus stream.

For each supported ECU I will use the CANBus description in the “ECU Definition” to make it easier for you to match up.  In the below example, it is from the EFI Source Gold Box (Megasquirt 3) ECU.  In that CANBus layout the description of the sensors in CANBus is “Generic Sensor X”.  I am aware that Megasquirt has 16 Generic Sensors. I will add more as I get the other ECUs caught up with this feature.

For MaxxECU the first 4 sensors will be labeled “User Analog Sensor 1” thru “User Analog Sensor 4”.  The rest of the sensors will be “User channel 1” thru “User channel 6”.  I am aware MaxxECU has 12 User Channels.  I will add more as I get the other ECUs caught up with this feature.

The Sensor Label uses a 4 character MAX LIMIT and will be made uppercase behind the scenes.

In the below example, a sensor is created.

Label “HGO”. Please ensure in the Configuration Screen that there isnt a Gauge with this Label.  Duplicates are not allowed.
Start ValueYou will need to put the start range for the sensor.  In this example, 125 was entered.
End Value: You will need to put the end range for the sensor.  In this example, 475 was entered.

An example would be a Coolant Pressure Sensor.  Lets say you purchased one from Lowdoller Motorsports and its range is 0 thru 100.  You can create a Label as CLPR, then the Start Value would be 0 and the End Value would be 100.

Once you create your Generic Sensors and have ensured its configured at your ECU, one thing to note is, however that data is passed thru CANBus is how it will be displayed.  If its configured as kPA, it will display a kPa value, if its PSI, it will display as a PSI value.

If you’re all done, press the BACK << button.

Displaying the Generic Sensor in a Gauge

In order to DISPLAY the Generic Sensors in Gauge 1 thru 5, you will need to select the sensor number in the ComboBox.  It is labeled SEN1 thru SEN10.

Once you have done so, press SAVE and Enjoy!

LED Warning Lights

Generic Sensors can also be configured to be monitored with the Configurable LED Warning Lights! 🙂

You will select them in the ComboBox in the LED Warning Lights page and then select when they will trip the Warning Light along with the color.

Please read the LED Warning Lights page for configuration documentation.

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